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Regular Meeting
Reno City Council
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 ● 10:00 AM
Reno City Council Chamber, One East First Street, Reno, NV 89501
Hillary Schieve, Mayor
Council Members:
Ward 1 - Jenny Brekhus
Ward 2 - Naomi Duerr
Ward 3 - Miguel Martinez
Ward 4 - Meghan Ebert  
    Ward 5 - Kathleen Taylor     
At Large - Devon Reese    
Public Notice: This agenda has been physically posted in compliance with NRS 241.020(3) (notice of meetings) at Reno City Hall – One East First Street, Reno, Nevada 89501. In addition, this agenda has been electronically posted in compliance with NRS 241.020(3) at, and NRS 232.2175 at To obtain further documentation regarding posting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (775) 334-2030 or [email protected].

Members of the public may hear, observe and provide public comment virtually by pre-registering using the following link:
Public Comment: Individuals wishing to address City Council at the meeting shall submit a “Request to Speak” form to the City Clerk. Individuals not in attendance may provide public comment by: (1) submitting an online public comment form at Reno.Gov/PublicComment; (2) sending an email to [email protected], (3) leaving a voicemail at (775) 393-4499 or 4) participating via zoom by registering using the link above which will provide the meeting ID and call-in phone number. Voicemails received prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the meeting will be transcribed, provided to City Council for review, and entered into the record. Voicemails received thereafter will be provided to City Council for review prior to adjournment, and entered into the record.

Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker, nor allocated to another speaker. No action may be taken on a matter raised under general public comment until the matter is included on a subsequent agenda and denoted as an action item. On specific agenda items, the presiding officer may prohibit comment if the content of the comments is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the City Council, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. Other examples of disruptive conduct include, without limitation, yelling, stamping of feet, whistles, applause, heckling, name calling, use of profanity, personal attacks, physical intimidation, threatening use of physical force, assault, battery, or any other acts intended to impede the meeting or infringe on the rights of City Council members, city staff, or meeting participants. Any person making willfully disruptive remarks while addressing City Council may be removed from the room by the presiding officer, and barred from attending the remainder of the meeting. See, Nevada Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047 (April 27, 2001); Nevada Open Meeting Law Manual, § 8.05. NRS 241.030(4)(a); RMC §§ 8.12.024, 8.12.027.

Accommodations: City Council and staff will make reasonable efforts to assist and accommodate individuals with disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (775) 334-2030 in advance so that arrangements can be made.

Supporting Material: Staff reports and supporting material for the meeting are available at the City Clerk’s Office, and on the City’s website at Pursuant to NRS 241.020(6), supporting material is made available to the general public at the same time it is provided to the City Council.

Order of Business: The presiding officer shall determine the order of the agenda and all questions of parliamentary procedure at the meeting pursuant to the Rules of the Reno City Council (City Council Resolution No. 8771, adopted January 22, 2020). Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. City Council may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; remove items from the agenda; and/or, delay discussion on or continue scheduled agenda items at any time. Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.

Council Recess: At the discretion of the presiding officer, City Council may recess at any time during the meeting to confer with legal counsel and/or its management representatives as permitted by law. Additional short breaks may be taken throughout the meeting as needed.

Watch Meetings: Certain Reno City Council & Redevelopment Agency Board meetings are streamed online when Reno City Council & Redevelopment Agency Board is in session in Council Chamber at, the City of Reno YouTube channel, and broadcast on Charter Channel 194.

Social Media: Follow @cityofreno for real-time updates on Twitter. Connect with the City of Reno on Facebook at

Introductory Items
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Public Comment
Approval of the Agenda (For Possible Action) – 10 May 2023
Consent Agenda (All consent items may be approved together with a single motion, be taken out of order, and/or be heard and discussed individually.)
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Change of Ownership Alcohol - Longley Market, Satish Kumar, 2550 Longley Lane, Package Alcohol [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - New Alcohol - Lo Bar Social, Josh Callen, 445 California Avenue, On-Premises Alcohol [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - New Alcohol - Max Action Arena, George Smith, 2500 East 2nd Street, On-Premises Wine and Beer [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - New Alcohol - Cosmos Snackbar, Christopher Costa, 253 East Arroyo Street - Dining Room Alcohol [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - New Alcohol - Maverik Mobile Bar & Catering, Christopher Quattrin, Home Based - Alcohol Catering [Ward 4]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Alcohol - Comstock Distillers, James Grimes, 1345 West 4th Street, Suite E4 - Alcohol Manufactures Package Alcohol [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Alcohol - Longboards Pizza SR, Jason Fairman, 15435 Wedge Parkway - Dining Room Alcohol [Ward 2]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Alcohol - Village Well, Kyle McDermaid, 7600 Rancharrah Parkway, Suite 100, Add-On Cabaret [Ward 2]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Alcohol - Turmeric Spices, Satnam Singh, 9333 Double R Boulevard, Suite 400, Package Alcohol [Ward 2]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Alcohol - Reno Coffee Co, Cheryl Bailey, 1300 South Wells Avenue, Add-On Cabaret [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Supplemental Privileged - Sierra Coin and Gold LLC, Derek Wood, 465 South Meadows Parkway, Suite 9, Secondhand Dealer [Ward 2]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Interlocal Contract and Annual Operating Plan between the City of Reno, on behalf of the Reno Fire Department, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Nevada Division of Forestry for the Wildland Fire Protection Program (WFPP) for FY 23/24 ($6,879) and FY 24/25 ($6,879) Wildland Fire Management, in the total amount of $13,758. (General Fund)
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of the City of Reno Annual Report to the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Adoption of the revised By-laws of the City of Reno Planning Commission.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Award of Contract to MGT of America Consulting, LLC for consulting services and development of a comprehensive City of Reno Equity Plan in an amount not to exceed $142,276. (General Fund)
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Award of Contract to Spanish Springs Construction, Inc. for the City of Reno - Reno Tennis Center Courts 13, 14, 15 and 16 Rehabilitation Project in an amount not to exceed $950,925. (ARPA Fund)  [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to the City of Reno's Public Works Department for the purchase and installation of solar school zone flashing beacon systems in the amount of $40,000 from ward specific allocated funds. (ARPA Fund) [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution donating Council Discretionary Funds to Kiwanis Bike Program to support its mission to repair and donate bikes to youth organizations in the Northern Nevada community in the amount of $1,000. (General Fund) [Martinez] [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution donating Council Discretionary Funds to the Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra to offset costs for services to provide education opportunities to women working to create a better future for their families in the amount of $3,000. (General Fund) [Martinez] [Ward 3]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution donating Council Discretionary Funds to the Reno Bike Project in support of the annual Tri-Lab block party in the amount of $2,000. (General Fund) [Brekhus] [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution donating Council Discretionary Funds to the Northern Nevada International Center in support of their vision and mission in the amount of $4,000. (General Fund) [Duerr] [Ward 2]
Public Hearings - 10:00 AM (Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.)
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Public Hearing on any complaint, protest or objection to the assessment roll for a City of Reno, Nevada Neighborhood Improvement Project, otherwise known as the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District, will be heard; and the determination of Hardship Applications. [Ward 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Ordinance Introduction - Bill No. ________ Ordinance of the Reno City Council providing for the levy and manner of collection of assessments for the City of Reno, Nevada Neighborhood Improvement Project, otherwise known as the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District; ratifying, approving and confirming all other actions previously taken by the City Council of the City of Reno and the officers of said city directed toward the acquisition and improvements of said project in the district; together with other matters properly relating thereto. [Ward 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution of the Reno City Council dispensing with certain complaints, protests and objections made at the public hearing on the assessment roll for a City of Reno, Nevada Neighborhood Improvement Project, otherwise known as the Downtown Reno Business Improvement District; ratifying the cost of the project; and confirming said assessment roll and the assessments therein; to authorize the recordation of properties to be assessed in the Office of the County Recorder; together with other matters properly relating thereto. [Ward 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Case No. LDC23-00035 (Green Acres Storage) Appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision to approve a request for: 1) a conditional use permit to establish a 310-unit mini-warehouse facility comprised of seven buildings and RV storage; and 2) an alternative equivalent compliance to vary from site landscape requirements. The ±1.85 acre project site is located south of the terminus of Green Acres Drive. The project site is located within the Mixed-Use Suburban (MS) zoning district and has a Master Plan land use designation of Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU). An appeal was filed by Tony M. May of May Brock Law Group on behalf of their client David T & Judith L Harvey Trust. City Council may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the Planning Commission. This item was continued from the April 12, 2023 City Council meeting.  [Ward 2]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Ordinance Introduction – Ordinance No. ________ Case No. LDC23-00048 (Shepherd of the Mountains) Ordinance to amend Title 18, Chapter 18.02 of the Reno Municipal Code, entitled “Zoning Districts,” rezoning a ±2.06 acre site from Single-Family Residential – 3 units per acre (SF-3) to Public Facilities (PF). The site is located on the northeast corner of Lakeside Drive and West Peckham Lane. The subject site has a Master Plan land use designation of Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU).  [Ward 2]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Case No. LDC23-00039 (Reno-Stead Corridor Joint Plan Master Plan Amendment) Resolution to adopt an amendment to the land use plan of the City of Reno Master Plan by sunsetting the Special Planning Area/Reno-Stead Corridor Joint Plan (SPA/RSCJP) and associated land use designation to generally translate RSCJP land uses to equivalent standard City of Reno Master Plan land use designations. The request includes a Master Plan amendment from Special Planning Area/Reno-Stead Joint Corridor Plan on ±1,957.68 acres to: Parks, Greenways, and Open Space (PGOS) on ±498.78 acres; Unincorporated Transition (UT) on ±276.91 acres; Large-Lot Neighborhood (LL) on ±330.34 acres; Single-Family Neighborhood (SF) on ±357.78 acres; Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU) on ±218.24 acres; Industrial (I) on ±268.73 acres; Public-Quasi Public (PQP) on ±6.31 acres; and ±0.59 acres of Multi-Family Neighborhood (MF). The subject area includes 1,158 parcels of land and is generally located on both sides of US 395 between the Golden Valley area and Red Rock Road. [Ward 4]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Case No. LDC23-00039 (Reno-Stead Corridor Joint Plan Master Plan Amendment) Request to sunset the Special Planning Area/Reno-Stead Corridor Joint Plan (SPA/RSCJP) and associated land use designation to generally translate RSCJP land uses to equivalent standard City of Reno Master Plan land use designations. The request includes a Master Plan amendment from Special Planning Area/Reno-Stead Joint Corridor Plan on ±1,957.68 acres to: Parks, Greenways, and Open Space (PGOS) on ±498.78 acres; Unincorporated Transition (UT) on ±276.91 acres; Large-Lot Neighborhood (LL) on ±330.34 acres; Single-Family Neighborhood (SF) on ±357.78 acres; Suburban Mixed-Use (SMU) on ±218.24 acres; Industrial (I) on ±268.73 acres; Public-Quasi Public (PQP) on ±6.31 acres; and ±0.59 acres of Multi-Family Neighborhood (MF). The subject area includes 1,158 parcels of land and is generally located on both sides of US 395 between the Golden Valley area and Red Rock Road. [Ward 4]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Public Hearing regarding the 2023-24 HUD Annual Action Plan for allocating grants from the federal Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) in the amount of $2,010,659, HOME Investment Partnerships Program in the amount of $1,627,662, and Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG) in the amount of $181,952.
Department Items
Ordinances - Introduction (Other Ordinance, Introduction items may be found under the following agenda sections: Public Hearings, and/or Standard Department Items.) 
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Ordinance Introduction - Bill No. ________ Ordinance to amend Reno Municipal Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.06, Section 6.06.170 making it a misdemeanor to knowingly attend an unpermitted motor vehicle race, contest or exhibition as a spectator. 
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Ordinance Introduction - Bill No. ________ Ordinance to amend Reno Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 8.12, Section 8.12.170 making it a misdemeanor to knowingly attend an unpermitted motor vehicle race, contest or exhibition as a spectator. 
Ordinances - Adoption
Mayor and Council
City Council Comments, including announcements regarding City boards and commissions, activities of local charitable organizations and upcoming local community events. (Non-Action Item) 
Public Hearings - 6:00 PM (Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.)
Public Comment (This item is for either public comment on any action item or for any general public comment.)
Adjournment (For Possible Action)