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Regular Meeting
Reno City Council
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 ● 10:00 AM
Reno City Council Chamber, 1 East First Street, Reno, NV 89501
Hillary Schieve, Mayor
Council Members:
Ward 1 - Jenny Brekhus
Ward 2 - Naomi Duerr
Ward 3 - Miguel Martinez
Ward 4 - Meghan Ebert  
    Ward 5 - Kathleen Taylor     
At Large - Devon Reese    
Public Notice: This agenda has been physically posted in compliance with NRS 241.020(3) (notice of meetings) at Reno City Hall – 1 East First Street, Reno, Nevada 89501. In addition, this agenda has been electronically posted in compliance with NRS 241.020(3) at, and NRS 232.2175 at To obtain further documentation regarding posting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 775-334-2030 or [email protected].

This meeting will be held at Reno City Hall in the City Council Chamber and via the Zoom video conference platform.

Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting may do so at the designated physical location or may hear, observe, and provide public comment virtually by pre-registering using the following link which will provide the Webinar ID and call-in phone number:

You can also join the meeting by typing into your computer browser and entering this Webinar ID: 875 2742 7352. NOTE: This option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities. Alternatively, you can join the meeting by telephone only by dialing 1-669-444-9171, entering the Webinar ID: 875 2742 7352, and pressing #.
Public Comment: Individuals wishing to address City Council at the meeting shall submit a “Request to Speak” form to the City Clerk. Individuals not in attendance may provide public comment by (1) submitting an online public comment form at Reno.Gov/PublicComment; (2) sending an email to [email protected]; (3) leaving a voicemail at 775-393-4499; or 4) participating via Zoom by registering using the link above which will provide the Webinar ID and call-in phone number. Voicemails received prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the meeting will be transcribed, provided to City Council for review, and entered into the record. Voicemails received thereafter will be provided to City Council for review prior to adjournment and entered into the record.

To provide public comment via Zoom, log in to the Zoom webinar at the above link and utilize the “Raise Hand” feature during any public comment period. To provide public comment via telephone only, press *9 to “Raise Hand” and *6 to mute/unmute.

Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker, nor allocated to another speaker. No action may be taken on a matter raised under general public comment until the matter is included on a subsequent agenda and denoted as an action item. On specific agenda items, the presiding officer may prohibit comment if the content of the comments is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, the City Council, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers. Other examples of disruptive conduct include, without limitation, yelling, stamping of feet, whistles, applause, heckling, name-calling, use of profanity, personal attacks, physical intimidation, threatening use of physical force, assault, battery, or any other acts intended to impede the meeting or infringe on the rights of City Council members, City staff, or meeting participants. Any person making willfully disruptive remarks while addressing City Council may be removed from the room by the presiding officer, and barred from attending the remainder of the meeting. See, Nevada Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047 (April 27, 2001); Nevada Open Meeting Law Manual, § 8.05. NRS 241.030(4)(a); RMC §§ 8.12.024, 8.12.027.

Accommodations: City Council and staff will make reasonable efforts to assist and accommodate individuals with disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 775-334-2030 in advance so that arrangements can be made.

Supporting Material: Staff reports and supporting material for the meeting are available at the City Clerk’s Office, and on the City’s website at Pursuant to NRS 241.020(6), supporting material is made available to the general public at the same time it is provided to City Council.

Order of Business: The presiding officer shall determine the order of the agenda and all questions of parliamentary procedure at the meeting pursuant to the Rules of the Reno City Council (City Council Resolution No. 8771, adopted January 22, 2020). Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. City Council may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; remove items from the agenda; and/or, delay discussion on or continue scheduled agenda items at any time. Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.

Council Recess: At the discretion of the presiding officer, City Council may recess at any time during the meeting to confer with legal counsel and/or its management representatives as permitted by law. Additional short breaks may be taken throughout the meeting as needed.

Watch Meetings: Certain Reno City Council & Redevelopment Agency Board meetings are streamed online when Reno City Council & Redevelopment Agency Board is in session in Council Chamber at, the City of Reno YouTube channel, and broadcast on Charter Channel 194.

Social Media: Follow @cityofreno for real-time updates on Twitter. Connect with the City of Reno on Facebook at

Introductory Items
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Members Present
Mayor Hillary Schieve, Councilmember Devon Reese, Councilmember Naomi Duerr, Councilmember Jenny Brekhus, Councilmember Kathleen Taylor, Councilmember Miguel Martinez, Councilmember Meghan Ebert
Approval of the Agenda (For Possible Action) – 25 September 2024
Approval of the Minutes
Reno City Council - Regular - 31 July 2024 10:00 AM (For Possible Action)
Consent Agenda (All consent items may be approved together with a single motion, be taken out of order, and/or be heard and discussed individually.)
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - On-Premises Alcohol (New) - Derby Barber and Supply, Vincent Gravallese, Michelle Gravallese, 406 California Avenue, Suite 100. [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - On-Premises Alcohol, Package Wine and Beer, Add-on Cabaret (Change of Ownership) - Pignic Pub & Patio, Ajit Ahluwalia, Jasmeet Ahluwalia, 235 Flint Street. [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - Dining Room Wine and Beer (New) - Round Table Pizza, Charles Chadwick, 115 East Moana Lane, Suite 103. [Ward 1]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License - On-Premises Alcohol (New) - 3rd Shot Pickleball - Reno LLC, William Ratcliff, 6895 Sierra Center Parkway, Suite A. [Ward 2]
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Privileged Business License – Restricted Gaming (New) – Sartini Gaming LLC dbat 7-Eleven Store 24461D, Lucas Gums, 1665 North Virginia Street. [Ward 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Award of Contract to F.W. Carson Co., for the 2024 Consolidated Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $5,149,946.30. (Sewer Fund) [Ward 1, 2, 3, 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Consultant Agreement with Lumos & Associates, Inc. for construction administration services for the 2024 Consolidated Sewer Rehabilitation Project in an amount not to exceed $537,480. (Sewer Fund) [Ward 1, 2, 3, 5]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Award of Contract to Powerhouse Construction, Inc. for the Miguel Ribera Playground Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $549,885. (Community Development Block Grant, Parks Capital Maintenance Fund) [Ward 3]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Contract Renewal with the Mountain West Series of Lockton Companies, LLC for consulting services for the City of Reno's Self-funded Health Plans for a one-year term in the amount of $92,700. (Self-funded Medical Funds)
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Authorization to Purchase one positive displacement blower package from Aerzen USA Corporation in the amount of $124,400 for use at the Reno Stead Water Reclamation Facility pursuant to NRS 332.115(d). (Sewer Fund) [Ward 4]
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS - Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval and authorization for the City Manager, or designee, to bind and execute all documents related to securing the City’s annual liability insurance policies from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $3,400,000. (Risk Management Fund)
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Approval of Agreement with the Children's Cabinet to reimburse the City of Reno for a portion of the cost of the City of Reno's Youth recreation programs, in compliance with the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, in the amount of $207,187.50.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of Grant Award 15PBJA-24-GG-00211-BRND from the U.S. Department of Justice (US DOJ), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Byrne Discretionary Community Project Grants to the City of Reno for use by the Reno Police Department in the amount of $1,500,000. (Grant Funds)​
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Authorization to Purchase fitness equipment and fitness supplies for the Reno Police Department from Commercial Fitness Equipment through the Joinder provision of NRS 332.195 and the Sourcewell Contract #052324 in an amount not to exceed $250,000 contingent upon Council acceptance of the U.S. Department of Justice (US DOJ) grant award 15PBJA-24-GG-00211-BRND. (Grant Funds)
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 United We Stand (UWS) grant award #25-UWS-O1 of $10,879.02 from Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to support the partial cost of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of Grant Award from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety to the City of Reno Police Department for the 2024-25 Joining Forces Grant Program (JF-2025-RPD-00049) to support participation in statewide, multi-jurisdictional traffic enforcement events in the amount of $76,500.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of Grant Award TSEP-2025-RPD-00051 from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety to the City of Reno Police Department to support enforcement of laws related to impaired driving in the amount of $60,000.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of Grant Award TSEP-2025-RPD-00052 from the State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety to the City of Reno Police Department to support enforcement of laws related to pedestrian safety in the amount of $90,000.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of Grant Award from the Washoe County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) through the Washoe County LEPC FY25 Operations, Planning, Training, & Equipment (OPTE) Grant to the Reno Fire Department, for HazMat suits, in an amount not to exceed $16,620.76.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of the FY 2023 Fire Prevention & Safety Grant (FP&S) award from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the Reno Fire Department (RFD) in the amount of $244,054.94 to conduct a wildfire risk assessment and develop a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and committing a 5% in kind cost match in the amount of $12,202.75.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of a donation of $400 from Great Basin Credit Union for the City of Reno Wellness Week.
Staff Report (For Possible Action): Acceptance of a donation of $400 from ARC Health & Wellness Center for the City of Reno Wellness Week. 
Resolution No. _____ (For Possible Action): Resolution of the City Council of the City of Reno, Nevada, to be provided to the director of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, supporting the affordable housing development project identified as “Skyline Flats” (the development of 402 affordable housing units located on Dandini Blvd.) and providing other details in connection therewith.
Public Hearings - 10:00 AM (Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.)
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Discussion and potential direction to staff regarding submission of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant Programs for Program Year 2023 for the City of Reno and Washoe County HOME Consortium to HUD.
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Review, discussion, and potential approval of request for an affordable housing fee reduction in accordance with Reno Municipal Code 1.08, consisting of up to $1,465,059 in sewer connection fees for the Stoker by Vintage Apartments, 500 Stoker Ave., Reno.
SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS -  Staff Report (For Possible Action): Review, discussion, and potential approval of request for an affordable housing fee reduction in accordance with Reno Municipal Code 1.08, consisting of up to $21,120 in building permit fees and up to $451,186 in sewer connection fees for the Line Drive Apartments located at 700 Line Drive, Reno.
Department Items
Ordinances - Introduction (Other Ordinance, Introduction items may be found under the following agenda sections: Public Hearings, and/or Standard Department Items.) 
Ordinances - Adoption
City Clerk
Mayor and Council
City Council Comments, including announcements regarding City boards and commissions, activities of local charitable organizations and upcoming local community events. (Non-Action Item) 
Public Hearings - 6:00 PM (Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time, but may be heard later.)
Public Comment (This item is for either public comment on any action item or for any general public comment.)
Adjournment (For Possible Action)